FCE October Little Chargers Bethany Rabun, Jace Latham, Grayson Geiser, Kennedy Parkerson, Rylee Griffin, Knox Stanford, Charly Riddell, Thomas Craig, Jaleigha Johnson, Easton Hunt, Kambrie Perry, Jackson Rushing, Bella Davis, Luke Thompson. Not pictured - Robert Bentley and Bentley Steadman.
about 4 years ago, Tami McKnight
October Little Chargers
Students in 1st grade are learning about the digestive system. The student teacher read them a book, completed some fun worksheets; and completed a two-part hands-on experiment about the digestive system. The student teachers did a great job and the students enjoyed the experiment. #WeirExcellenceShines
about 4 years ago, Robbie Denson
Students in 1st grade are learning about the digestive system.
REMINDER: CCHS Make-up Picture Day is Thursday, Nov. 12th! #ChargerNation
about 4 years ago, Amber Vowell
CCHS would like to say THANK YOU to all those who have served in the military. On Nov. 11th, we will honor our veterans by wearing Red, White and Blue. #ChargerFamily #ChargerNation
about 4 years ago, Amber Vowell
Tomorrow CCHS will welcome back our 9th through 12th grade students to our campus! Students we are looking forward to your return! See you all tomorrow!
about 4 years ago, Amber Vowell
CCHS recognizes the teachers who won the drawing for those with perfect attendance for October. Congrats to Ms. Thames and Coach Brown! Thank you for your dedication to our students!
about 4 years ago, Amber Vowell
Ackerman Elementary School!! Mark your calendars for this Thursday (November 12th) for makeup pictures! #teamAES
about 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Mrs. Busby’s and Mrs. Cagle’s class at Ackerman Elementary School enjoyed learning about fire safety! Thank you Ackerman Fire Department. #teamAES
about 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Ackerman Elementary School! A reminder our food drive starts tomorrow! #teamAES
about 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
PreK students at Ackerman Elementary School enjoyed a visit from the Ackerman Fire Department to learn about fire safety! Part 2 #teamAES
about 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
PreK students at Ackerman Elementary School enjoyed a visit from the Ackerman Fire Department to learn about fire safety! Part 1 #teamAES
about 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
A student at AES and CCHS has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been notified. We will continue to work through this pandemic together! #TeamAES #TeamCCHS
about 4 years ago, Charger Media
Attention sign
5th Grade is learning about the food web and food chains in Mrs. Hunt’s class. Also 5th grade observed the physical/chemical changes of items brought by the students. Today marks a month since the placement of the items in cups and needless to say lots of physical and chemical changes occurred! All smiles on this beautiful Friday! #5thgraderocks
about 4 years ago, Robbie Denson
5th Grade is learning about the food web and food chains in Mrs. Hunt’s class.
Teachers in 2nd grade showing Charger Spirit - dress up for Neon Day. #WeirExcellenceShines!
about 4 years ago, Weir Elementary
Teachers in 2nd grade showing Charger Spirit - dress up for Neon Day.  #WeirExcellenceShines!
Mrs. Lisa’s and Mrs. Margie’s PreK students at Ackerman Elementary School are enjoying their centers this week. They are learning about the letter T and turkeys this week. The students have also been practicing their number recognition and counting skills to ten. #teamAES
about 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Ackerman Elementary School is working with the Choctaw County Food Ministry to host a food drive November 9th - 16th. #teamAES
about 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Ackerman Elementary School Chargers in Charge for the month of October did a great job with their behavior! #teamAES
about 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Students in Mrs. Chesteen’s science class study chemical and physical change by blowing up a balloon using vinegar and baking soda.
about 4 years ago, Tami McKnight
Learning through experiments!
Learning through experiments!
Learning through experiments!
Learning through experiments!
1st and 2nd Grade dress up for Patriotic Day, showing their Charger Spirit, in their Red, White, and Blue. #WeirExcellenceShines!
about 4 years ago, Weir Elementary
1st  Grade Red White and Blue
2nd Grade Red, White and Blue
Ackerman Elementary School! A reminder to please make sure students have masks with them at school! #teamAES
about 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly