Teachers at Choctaw County High School wanted to share words of wisdom to the Class of 2020. We are extremely proud of their accomplishments. #ChargerFamily
Senior Spotlight! Class of 2020.
1st: Famous Mathematicians, how old were they? (subtract the smallest number from the bigger number).
Benjamin Banneker Live: 1713-1806
Elbert Cox Live: 1895-1969
Euphemia Haynes Live: 1890-1980
Annie Easley Live: 1933-2011
How old are they right now, subtract birth year from 2020
Fern Hunt Live: 1948 - present
Mark Dean Live: 1957 - present
Katherine Johnson Live: 1918 - present
Valorie Thomas Live: 1943 - present
Lonnie Johnson Live: 1949 - present
John Urschel Live: 1991 - Present
Mae Carol Jemison Live: 1956 - Present
2nd: Find out how old each famous American would be if they were still alive… it is 2020, so subtract their birth year from 2020 and you will find out…
Thomas Edison (inventor) Born: 1847
Rosa Parks (Civil Rights Activist) Born: 1913
Henry Ford (Car Inventor) Born: 1917
Amelia Earhart (female pilot) Born: 1897
Abraham Lincoln (16th President) Born: 1809
Benjamin Banneker Born: 1731
(Mathematician & Scientist)
Dr. George Carver (Scientist) Born: 1864
Florence Nightingale (Nurse) Born: 1820
3rd: Using a computer, tablet, or phone research and find 5 famous Americans. Read about each one and find the age of each of your famous people. Once you have the age, order them from least to greatest and greatest to least. Have fun finding your favorite 5 famous Americans!!
4th: It’s time to multiply with famous people. I would like for you to research and find 3 famous mathematicians. Read about the mathematicians you find and discover what year they were born and what their accomplishments were. Use their birth year and multiply it by 9 to find your answer. Once you’ve completed that, do the same thing using 3 famous people of your own choice! Then take your 6 answers and order them from greatest to least!
5th: Mathematics did not drop from the sky. I know that, of course, but do you? What a greater appreciation you can have for mathematics as a living science if you learn about the ideas in math from heroes past and present! It all begins with "I wonder." Read about the contributions of 3-5 American Mathematicians. How would the study of math be changed if their contributions had never been? For example, to see how to approach your thinking for each mathematician’s contribution, if an American mathematician had created the idea of the number 0, what would the world be like without it?
6th: Mathematics did not drop from the sky. I know that, of course, but do you? What a greater appreciation you can have for mathematics as a living science if you learn about the ideas in math from heroes past and present! It all begins with "I wonder." Read about the contributions of 3-5 American Mathematicians. How would the study of math be changed if their contributions had never been? For example, to see how to approach your thinking for each mathematician’s contribution, if an American mathematician had created the idea of the number 0, what would the world be like without it?
Senior Spotlight! Class of 2020.
Senior Spotlight! Class of 2020.
Teachers at Choctaw County High School wanted to share words of wisdom to the Class of 2020. We are extremely proud of their accomplishments. #ChargerFamily
Senior Spotlight! Class of 2020.
Awards Ceremony Announcement!
Ackerman Elementary School drop-off and pickup dates and times! Please read the information and call or email us with any questions. #teamAES
Senior Spotlight! Class of 2020.
Important Senior Announcement!
Senior Spotlight! Class of 2020.
Tuesday, May 12th: Writing
Pre-K: Who is your favorite Famous American? Dictate a sentence to your parents about why you like them.
Kindergarten: Sentence starter: My favorite Famous American is ____________.
Write the sentence starter then finish the sentence by writing who is your favorite famous American. Tell what they are famous for (playing baseball, football, fighting for civil rights, the president). Be sure and illustrate your sentences with a pretty picture of him/her!
1st & 2nd Grade: 1. When was your Famous American born? 2. What were they interested in as a child? 3. What did your Famous American do that made them famous? 4. List 3 more interesting facts about your Famous American.
3rd &4th Grade: Imagine that you are meeting that famous person for the first time. Write a story about the two of you meeting and going on an adventure together.
5th & 6th Grade: Pick a famous American that you admire. Research some information about the person you have chosen and write 1-2 paragraphs about him/her.
4-County has partnered with TVA EnergyRight to host a second, free
Eye Spy Energy Virtual Kids’ Workshop on Thursday, May 14 at 11:00 am ET/10:00 am CT.
The one-hour virtual workshop will be facilitated by a professional educator and is a great opportunity for children ages 5-12 to learn about where energy comes from in the Tennessee Valley, how we use energy in our everyday lives, and ways to save energy around their homes using the adorable and popular Energy Monsters.
It's free and easy. Just
register to attend by filling out a simple form at https://energyright.com/residential/energy-monsters/. Then you'll get registration information for the virtual workshop via email as well a reminder email before the workshop begins.So sign up and get ready to have some fun and learn about energy!
Scholarship opportunities. GFWC Ackerman 20th Century Club Carol McAdams Memorial Scholarship and the “Living the Volunteer Spirit” Scholarship. Deadline is Friday, May 15th.
Senior Spotlight! Class of 2020.
Senior Spotlight! Class of 2020.
Pre-K: Find a book on youtube about famous people - look up the series Little People, Big Dreams and choose a book with an adult or learn about a famous person from an adult.
Kindergarten: https://youtu.be/W1eOq2P906U . This is the link to the read aloud Climbing Lincoln’s Steps on YouTube. Listen to the story with an adult or friend and talk about the different famous Americans discussed throughout the story. Choose your favorite famous American and discuss with an adult why he/she is your favorite.
1st & 2nd grade: Go to Epic and find a book and read about a Famous American you would like to know more about. Remember some facts you will use for your writing assignment tomorrow.
3rd and 4th grade: Go to Epic and find a book and read about a Famous America you like to know more about. Remember some facts you will use for your writing assignment tomorrow.
5th & 6th Grade: Pick a famous American that you admire. Log into Epic! and search for books about the person you have chosen and have fun reading!
Senior Spotlight! Class of 2020.
Senior Spotlight! Class of 2020.