Ackerman Elementary School students enjoyed green eggs and ham on Thursday morning for breakfast during Read Across America Week!
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Mrs. Turnipseed and Mrs. K. Tuck’s students at Ackerman Elementary School are doing an excellent job on their center work. These students are on track with their computer center, independent work, and teacher tables.
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Khristyan Hoskins, a 3rd grader at Ackerman Elementary School, spent his Charger Bucks to be an office worker on Thursday. He did a great job helping!
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Office worker
Mrs. Shelley Gammill has her 3rd graders at Ackerman Elementary School doing an amazing job on their writing.
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Ackerman Elementary School hosted a Pre-K Grandparent’s Day Lunch on Thursday! Thank you to all of the family members and volunteers who came to eat lunch with the students!
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Students in the College & Career Readiness class held mock job interviews with each other this week.
almost 5 years ago, Miranda Worrell
Students conduct mock job interview
Students conduct mock job interview
Students conduct mock job interview
Junior high baseball games scheduled for today have been called off due to rain.
almost 5 years ago, Charger Athletic Department
Wacky Wednesday was so fun along with having classroom readers on Wednesday at Ackerman Elementary School.
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Mrs. Lucas had her 6th graders at AES present skits to classmates to demonstrate different political systems. Fun times!
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
WES Pre-K students had a great week working at centers!!
almost 5 years ago, Julie Chase
WES Pre-K Students work at their learning centers
WES Pre-K students work at their Learning Centers
WES Pre-K students had a great week working at centers!!
almost 5 years ago, Julie Chase
WES Pre-K Students working at their learning centers
WES Pre-K working at their learning centers
WES Pre-K students working at their learning centers.
Destiny Martin, a 5th grader at Ackerman Elementary School, spent her Charger Bucks to be an office worker on Wednesday. She did an excellent job!
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Office Worker
Seniors Beta members enjoyed a field trip today to the Mississippi Crime Lab.
almost 5 years ago, Chris Threadgill
Seniors at the Mississippi Crime Lab.
Mrs. Sanders has her 4th graders at Ackerman Elementary School working on EADMS. They are reading a passage, breaking down the information, and discussing important details before answering questions. Great job!
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
5th graders in Mrs. Margaret Taylor’s class at Ackerman Elementary School are working on their reading skills. Students are reading passages and breaking down information. Great job!
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
The golf match scheduled for March 5th at Elm Lake will not be played due to the course conditions.
almost 5 years ago, Charger Athletic Department
Softball Schedule Updates: Saturday's games at Ethel High School will not be played. The games with East Webster have been rescheduled for Friday, March 13th at 1:00 at East Webster. We will play a Varsity double header. GO CHARGERS!!!
almost 5 years ago, Charger Athletic Department
Ackerman Elementary School’s Chargers in Charge for the month of February have been doing a great job! These students are showing excellent character and behavior.
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Chargers in Charge
Chargers in Charge
Weir Elementary School - Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Thank you Weir PTO
almost 5 years ago, Julie Chase
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
Thank you PTO for the cake!
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
1st Grade students measure how far their team cars rolls from different heights.
almost 5 years ago, Julie Chase
1st Grade Students roll their team cars and measure how far they rolled at different heights.
1st Grade Students measure how far their team car rolls from different heights.
1st Grade Students roll their cars from different heights and measure how far they roll.
1st Grade students measure how far their team car rolls from different heights.