*** Message from Holmes for interested students from the District Coordinator for Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit***
I am hosting a virtual application session tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1:30pm. I will do more based on the feedback and success/interest of this one. This is for new DEDC students for the 2020-2021 school year. The link below will allow them to join. They can do so on their phones, and have computer ready to apply.
I have posted this on my personal FB page, where it is public for sharing. Feel free to find and share! I do plan to record this process, and make it available for interested students, but I know some prefer to do it in real-time.
Instructors, please post this in your Canvas courses, encouraging your students to pass it along to their friends. Administrators and counselors, please post this wherever you are able for your sophomores and juniors to see it. As a reminder, there is no cost for applying, so any/all students remotely interested should apply.
Join Zoom Meeting https://holmescc.zoom.us/j/949369630
Meeting ID: 949 369 630
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1 301 715 8592 US Meeting ID: 949 369 630 Find your local number: https://holmescc.zoom.us/u/abPO9zspo8
Dees Britt
District Coordinator for Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit
412 W Ridgeland Ave * Ridgeland, MS 39157
Virtual Meeting for Holmes Duel Credit For 2020-2021 School Year
March 25, 2020